Book presentation.Social Design.Urbanism.Design Thinking


This book is a guide of recommendations for interventions in public spaces, the result of a citizens’ laboratory within the European Human Cities project, in which Bilbao City Council took part. This workshop was also developed by URBANBAT with Colaborabora and the Civersity research group of the University of the Basque Country, as part of the 5th Festival Town Planning and Social Innovation of Bilbao.

Each of recommendations is accompanied by a practical example located in a specific city. These examples can serve as inspiration for future interventions and demonstrate that the type of proposals included in this guide are possible. It is a partial work, inevitably influenced by the subjectivity of the laboratory participants and by the limited time available for its development. It is, however, a valuable guide, the result of collaborative work and collective intelligence.

Author(s): URBANBAT
Book year: 2012
Country: Spain